Friday, September 7, 2012

Political Cartoons

Political cartoons can be illistrated for many different reasons. These cartoons can express a wide varity of polictical views and standpoints. Some artists create them as commical blurbs, while others use them as a weapon, sometimes taking jabs at political canidates or platforms.
This cartoon may it into the sunday sintinel back in 2007. The upcomming election had a big push to raise voting turnout. Durring this time, TV shows began using the internet to let viewers interact with the voting process of the show, such as american idol. This particular cartoon caught my eye, because it show some of the ignorance of the american people these days. People have fought and died for americans to have the right to vote on who runs their country, and yet they choose not to, but they find it urgent for vote in on a TV show quickly as possible.
This cartoon make the website back in 2008 a short time after the election of barack obama. After this time the country was in a craze over the first black president to be elected. The artist created this cartoon to express this craze, with president elect barrack obama standing over Mt. Rushmore with an excited look, almost to exclaim "I'm next!" This cartoon struck me as a comical cartoon with no real harm or foul. The cartoon expresses that america had turned yet another page in racism, with the election of barack obama. Placing barack obama on Mt. Rushmore gave the feeling of his election being a "Larger than life" experience.

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